Learning Through Play

A major focus of our play space is learning through play! Every decision we make, toy we purchase, and area we design is thoughtfully chosen based on the potential for open-ended, learning through play! Here are some of the ways that play leads to learning!

  1. Communication Skills: Play provides opportunities for children to practice verbal and non-verbal communication. They learn how to express their thoughts, ideas, and feelings, as well as how to listen and respond to others.

  2. Cooperation and Collaboration: Play often involves teamwork and cooperation. Children learn how to negotiate, compromise, and work together towards a common goal. They develop skills such as sharing, taking turns, and respecting others' perspectives.

  3. Empathy and Perspective-Taking: Through play, children can explore different roles and perspectives. They learn to understand and empathize with others, recognizing and responding to their feelings and needs. This promotes emotional intelligence and the ability to form positive relationships.

  4. Problem-Solving and Decision-Making: Play presents challenges and conflicts that require problem-solving and decision-making skills. Children learn to analyze situations, consider different solutions, and make choices. They also develop resilience and adaptability when faced with unexpected outcomes.

  5. Emotional Regulation: Play allows children to express and regulate their emotions in a safe and constructive manner. They learn to manage frustration, cope with disappointment, and regulate their behavior in various social contexts.

  6. Social Rules and Etiquette: Play provides a context for learning social norms, rules, and etiquette. Children understand the importance of fairness, honesty, and respect for others. They learn to follow rules, take turns, and resolve conflicts peacefully.

Overall, play is so much more than what we can see on the surface. There’s so much potential for learning! Play truly is the work of childhood!


Indoor Birthday Parties in the Summer!


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